Fanz Unlimited L.L.C. - Content Star & Co-Star Policies and Procedures Handbook

Fanz Unlimited L.L.C. - Content Star Policies and Procedures

1. Complaint and Takedown Procedures

1. Filing a Takedown Request:

If a copyright owner believes their precious masterpiece has been shamelessly plastered on our platform without permission, they may submit a takedown request. Please, no rage emails written in all caps. The request must include the following:

  • Identification of the copyrighted work: What’s been stolen? Your magnum opus? Your cat memes? Be specific.

  • Identification of the infringing material: Point us to the crime scene (aka, the URL).

  • Contact Information: We need to know where to send our apologies—or, you know, updates.

  • A statement of good faith: Swear you’re not making this up.

  • Signature: A proper one, not "XOXO, Gossip Girl."

2. Action Upon Receiving a Takedown Notice:

When we get a valid DMCA takedown notice, we will:

  • Remove or disable the offending content faster than a teenager deleting their browser history.

  • Notify the uploader that their masterpiece has been nuked and inform them of their right to complain (counter-notify) if they think we messed up.

3. Submitting a Counter-Notification:

If you think your content was wrongly taken down, you can fight back! Just include:

  • Identification of the removed content: What got zapped?

  • Statement under penalty of perjury: "I swear on my snack stash, I didn’t steal this."

  • Consent to jurisdiction: Agree to duke it out in court if necessary.

  • Contact Information: So we know where to send the "we believe you" email.

If everything checks out, we’ll restore your content in 10-14 business days—unless the original copyright owner calls their lawyer and sues.

4. Repeat Infringers:

Look, if you keep stepping on copyright toes, we’ll have to show you the door. Three strikes and you’re out. No, you don’t get a participation trophy.

5. Good Faith and Abuse Prevention:

False claims will be met with swift justice, possibly involving memes and legal action.

2. Content Moderation and Compliance

1. Manual Pre-Publication Review:

  • Human Moderation Team: Yes, real humans (not robots) check your content before it goes live.

2. Live Streaming Moderation:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Because some of y’all just can’t be trusted.

  • Content Removal Tools: If things go sideways, we pull the plug.

3. Identity and Age Verification:

  • Verification Process: If you’re under 18, no dice. Go finish your homework.

  • Random Audits: Surprise! We check if you’re still playing by the rules.

4. User Reporting System:

  • Users Can Snitch: If they see something sketchy, they can report it.

  • Resolution in Seven Days: We’ll sort it out in a week, faster than you respond to work emails.

5. Content Removal & Appeals:

  • We Take Down Unconsented Content: If you’re in a video without permission, we’ll fix that.

  • Appeals Process: Complain to us nicely, and we might reconsider.

6. Monthly Compliance Reports:

  • To Acquiring Banks: So they don’t get mad at us.

7. Proactive Moderation:

  • Flagged Content Gets Extra Scrutiny: Red flags everywhere.

3. Ensuring Compliance from Content Stars

1. Content Star Agreements:

  • Must Sign Agreements: No shady business allowed.

2. Age & Identity Verification:

  • Government IDs Required: "My cousin says I’m 18" doesn’t count.

  • Third-Party Verification: We double-check.

3. Pre-Publication Screening:

  • We Actually Look at Your Content: Shocking, right?

4. Regular Audits:

  • We Keep You Honest: Surprise! We check again.

5. Consequences for Rule Breakers:

  • Suspensions & Bans: Break the rules, and you’re out.

6. Monthly Reports to Regulators:

  • Keeping It Transparent: We show our work.

7. Appeals Process:

  • Fair Chances Given: If you think we got it wrong, make your case.

4. Verification Process

1. ID & Age Checks:

  • Government-Issued ID Required: No, a library card won’t work.

2. Minimum Age Requirement:

  • 18+ Only: No exceptions.

3. Secure Storage of Docs:

  • We Lock It Up: Nobody’s peeking.

4. Third-Party Verification:

  • Yes, We Double-Check: And sometimes triple-check.

5. All Individuals Verified:

  • Everyone in Your Content Must Be Verified: No mystery guests.

6. Ongoing Spot Checks:

  • We Keep an Eye on Things: Just in case.

7. Consequences for Non-Compliance:

  • Account Denial or Termination: Play fair, or play elsewhere.

Name: Joshua Stone
Title: Overlord of Compliance (Fine, Authorized Signer)
Date: 2/7/2025 [Update to Today]


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